Friday, February 26, 2010

Earthquake in Peru, 31 May 1970

A 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck Peru on the 31 of May,1970 at 4.23p.m.. Over 66 000 deaths occurred and more than 800 000 were homeless. an estimated 200 000 houses and buildings were destroyed.this was recorded as the world's fourth most deadly earthquake then. $350 million was the amount estimated for property damage. How did this terrible earthquake occur?

According to investigations carried out, the earthquake was due to the plate of South America moving in a westward direction, forcing down the Pacific Plate. As the pacific plates bends down, the amount of strain accumulates until it reaches the point of breaking.

The plate Peru is on dips at an angle of 60 degrees, which causes earthquakes to occur at greater depths east.The crust of Chimbote reached its breaking point on May 31 1970, which caused the earthquake to happen.

One year after the earthquake, many areas in south Peru are still in ruins.The process of reconstruction was being carried out slowly and many were blaming then president of Peru, President Alan Garcia. Many protests were carried out against the governments inadequate response to the earthquake. Some protesters wanted to know what had happened to the $382 million set aside for rebuilding. Many had not yet received the money for rebuilding their homes.

I feel that the government of Peru should have put in more effort to help rebuild the lives and homes of the victims of the earthquake. Although these type of natural disasters cannot be avoided, special precautions such as having quake-proof buildings and having an earthquake warning systems.


Done by: Hannah Marie Clunies-Ross(15)

Class: 1 Justice

Date: 27 02 10

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Da Singapore Hannah Montana here